Cresting Ridge - Medium

Cresting Ridge - Medium

Cresting Ridge - Medium

Cresting Ridge - Medium

NFVA: 0.8 Square Inches Per Lineal Foot

Click To View Shop Drawing medium cresting ridge old world distributors

Pricing is Per Foot
Minimum Length of 8 Feet Required
Please Specify Length in Quantity Box

Galvalume 24 ga.
Painted Steel 24 ga.
Painted Aluminum .040
Zinc 24 ga./7mm
Copper 16 oz.
Freedom Gray Copper 16 oz.

5 1/2" Down Leg
Vented or Unvented

Decorative cresting may be added or this ridge may be used alone.

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Please Select A Color For Painted Material Only

Click To View All Cresting Profiles

Copper Vented Ridge and Ball Cresting
medium cresting ridge mockup

Zinc Ridge and Stainless Ball Cresting
medium cresting ridge mockup
Weight 1.00 *
Our price: $9.50
Specify Roof Pitch
Note: you must order at least 8 items

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